From PowerPoint to rich interactive classroom presentations

Engaging presentations for teaching help students become more involved and interested in learning Chinese.

Students research unique countries and cultures

Group research projects promote collaborative learning via the KooBits platform and self-directed learning in conducting research online.

Digital workbooks

Students complete their textbook reading assignments in the form of a digital workbook.

Encouraging creativity and writing skills through comics creation

Using a variety of characters and expressions, students turn their stories into colorful, entertaining comics.

Digital journals - documenting school holiday memories

Students add their photos, videos, and rich media to enhance a typical weekly journal.

Project Objectives

Due to rapid advancements in technology, today's digital natives are more technologically proficient than ever. The Ministry of Education (MOE)'s third Masterplan (mp3) drives the use of Information and communication technologies (ICT) in education with the goal of enriching learning environments and equipping future generations "with the critical competencies and dispositions to succeed in a knowledge economy".

Hence, this year, the school has started a project to harness ICT for Self-Directed Learning (SDL) and Collaborative Learning (CoL) specifically in Chinese lessons. The goal is to provide learning materials and activities that will engage and interest students in the Chinese language beyond just the curriculum requirements, and as such broaden and deepen students' learning.

For this project, we decided to utilize KooBits EDU, an online tool for creating interactive rich media ebooks and presentations. Being web-based, students were able to access KooBits EDU and complete their assignments from home.

The teachers in the Chinese Language department have created 5 different programs that integrate the use of KooBits EDU as an ICT platform:
  • Conversion of teachers' PowerPoint lesson slides into KooBits interactive presentations
  • Student research project: Amazing Countries
  • Student digital journals: All About Basketball
  • Comics creation: Fun with Chinese
  • Language games creation


  • 使华文的教学生动有趣。
  • 引起学生的学习兴趣。
  • 鼓励学生自主学习/合作学习。





Adopt For Your Class

Download Resources - North Zone Symposium 2011

  • Download the presentation by CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' School (Primary)
Will be available on 28 July. Please check back later...

Chinese Digital Journal

Instead of pen and paper, pupils were tasked to create their weekly Chinese journal in the form of a digital journal using KooBits EDU. This enabled them to add their own photos, captions, videos, and interactive elements to bring their experiences to life.




Engaging Presentations for Teaching

In order to get students' attention in the classroom, teachers have made various efforts to make the drier aspects of Chinese lessons more interesting. KooBits EDU allowed teachers to create more engaging presentations that also helped students to learn and understand better. Key vocabulary, in particular abstract verbs, can be taught using visual scaffolding aids such as embedded streaming YouTube videos, animations, and triggers - leading to more engaged learning.

More importantly, teachers are able to easily share and showcase the lesson presentations online via KooBits EDU, allowing students to extend their learning by viewing and referring to these learning materials at home.



  • 安全搜寻并嵌入YouTube视频
  • 丰富有趣的图片与动画



Written Expression - Comics Creation

To enable students to broaden and deepen their learning, Primary 3 students went through a guided reading lesson using the Fun with Chinese series of Chinese educational comics, in alignment with the Chinese lesson "Washington and the Cherry Tree". In the form of a KooBits interactive ebook, functions such as voice narration and panel-by-panel playback allowed students to read and learn at their own pace.

After the lesson, students then created their own comic to answer questions given by the teacher, using characters from Fun with Chinese. Pupils were taught basic storyboarding skills and were more engaged in learning by using new vocabulary they had learned.







  • 华盛顿犯了什么错?
  • 他可以用什么方式弥补过错?

Research Project: Amazing Countries

Expanding upon the Chinese Language textbook curriculum, the Research Project on Amazing Countries was based on the Primary 5 Higher Chinese chapter 《爱斯基摩人》. Using the Eskimo people and Arctic region as an example, students were taught how to create a KooBits ebook on a country with a unique landmark.

To facilitate collaborative learning, students were divided into groups of 4-5 students. Each group could independently decide on the country they wanted to research. As the project was to be completed during the June school holidays, groups were also free to set each member's tasks and processes for monitoring group progress.

To encourage self-directed learning, teachers instructed that each ebook had to contain 4 sections of information: Location (such as maps, flags, climate), History (origins, ancient peoples, wars), and Culture (language, music, food), in addition to information about the unique landmark.

Using KooBits EDU to conduct this assignment also allowed students to maximise their use of ICT tools to enhance their learning. In addition to conducting online searches to find information, students could embed and stream YouTube videos, add interactive triggers, and share their work with peers online.




  • 地理知识(位置、气候)
  • 历史背景(建国、战事)
  • 文化资讯(建筑、地标、音乐、舞蹈、食物)



Project Outcomes

In evaluating the success of the project, the following points were considered:

Teacher Outcomes

1. Did the ICT-enriched learning experiences lead to more engaged learning?

2. Did the project enable teachers to broaden and deepen students' learning?

3. Did teachers use alternative assessment methods to assess both individual and group learning?

4. How was responsibility for learning and group collaboration shifted to students?

Student Outcomes

1. Were students more enthusiastic towards their learning (learning beyond the curriculum)?

2. Did students contribute, consider, and discuss ideas in order to set and achieve group goals?

3. Did students use computing tools to gather information and collaborate with team members and monitor each others' progress?

Due to the school's strong ICT vision and culture of innovation, the project received support from school leaders, teachers, and students alike.


  • 提供一个新的阅读平台,推广阅读。
  • 作业的形式更多样化,全情投入。
  • 图文并茂,影音声效俱全,巩固学习。
  • 网上资源丰富,扩展学习。

  • 学生对华文课更感兴趣。
  • 学生在课堂外自主学习,他们有更多的机会阅读、写作,从而提高语文程度。

Digital Workbook: A Basketball Game

Instead of a traditional writing assignment, a class of Primary 5 pupils was given a KooBits EDU template in which they could create an ebook about basketball as a sport. This independent assignment allowed students to take ownership of their learning by looking for resources using any method they choose.





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